E thotë shkenca: Këta janë dhjetë burrat më të pashëm në botë


Robert Pattinson është shpallur njeriu më i pashëm në botë pas kërkimeve shkencore mbi atë që përbën ‘fytyrën e përsosur’.

Lista u përpilua duke përdorur teknikat më të fundit të hartës së kompjuterizuar nga kirurgu kozmetik i fytyrës Harley Street Dr Julian De Silva, i cili përdor teknologjinë në punën e tij.

Dr De Silva, i cili drejton Qendrën për Kirurgji Kozmetike dhe plastike të avancuar të fytyrës, në Londër, tha: ‘Robert Pattinson ishte fituesi i qartë kur të gjithë elementët e fytyrës u matën për përsosmëri fizike.

“Këto teknika krejt të reja të hartës së kompjuterëve na lejojnë të zgjidhim disa nga misteret e asaj që është ajo që e bën dikë të bukur fizikisht dhe teknologjia është e dobishme kur planifikon operacionin e pacientëve.”

1. Robert Pattinson

The British Twilight actor (pictured), 33, was found to be 92.15 per cent 'accurate' to the Golden Ratio of Beauty Phi - which measures physical perfection

2. Henry Cavill

Dr Julian found The Witcher star Henry Cavill, 36, ranked a close second, pointing to the actor's 'perfect' forehead

3. Bradley Copper

A Star Is Born actor Bradley Cooper, 45, scored the highest score for his eye position but was marked down for the shape of his nose

4. Brad Pitt

Once Upon A Time in Hollywood star Brad Pitt (pictured) was commended for his eye spacing but was marked down for the shape of his nose

5. George Clooney 

George Clooney, 58, was toppled from the top spot, largely because Dr Julian suggested nature had taken it's toll over the last three years, according to Dr Julian De Silva

6. Hugh Jackman

Hugh Jackman, 51, (pictured) scored highest for nose shape but was marked down for his lips and eye spacing

7. David Beckham 

Dr Julian commended David Beckham (pictured) over his chiselled chin, which he said was the best shaped  of all the male celebrities in the top ten

8. Idris Elba

Idris Elba (pictured above) was only just beaten by David Beckham and has a near-perfect chin, according to Dr Julian

9. Kanye West

Kanye West scored highly for his eye spacing and his chin. He was marked down for his face shape (pictured)

10. Ryan Gosling

Ryan Gosling was tenth in the rankings. He had the most perfectly shaped nose of all the male celebrities (pictured)

Burimi: Daily Mail


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