Ndërron jetë legjenda e Hollywood-it në moshën 103 vjeçare


Ka ndërruar jetë në moshën 103 vjeçare një prej aktorëve ikonë të kinematografisë botërore, Kirk Douglas.

Aktori ka nisur rrugëtimin e tij në film para 7 dekadave, duke shijuar ‘kohërat e arta’ të kinemasë dhe ndryshimet e tyre.

Më 1916 ishte nominuar për çmimin e parë “Oscar” për rolin në filmin “Champion”. Michael Douglas, aktori tjetër me famë botërore i cili është fitues i çmimit të “Akademisë së Filmit” është djali i Kirk.

Michael përmes postimit që ka kujtuar të atin ka shkruar se bota e njeh si legjendë, aktor e si njeri humanitar./Prive.al

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It is with tremendous sadness that my brothers and I announce that Kirk Douglas left us today at the age of 103. To the world he was a legend, an actor from the golden age of movies who lived well into his golden years, a humanitarian whose commitment to justice and the causes he believed in set a standard for all of us to aspire to. But to me and my brothers Joel and Peter he was simply Dad, to Catherine, a wonderful father-in-law, to his grandchildren and great grandchild their loving grandfather, and to his wife Anne, a wonderful husband. Kirk's life was well lived, and he leaves a legacy in film that will endure for generations to come, and a history as a renowned philanthropist who worked to aid the public and bring peace to the planet. Let me end with the words I told him on his last birthday and which will always remain true. Dad- I love you so much and I am so proud to be your son. #KirkDouglas

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