Historia e jashtëzakonshme: Si i kishin kërkuar Marios të mos punonte me Kim?


Sot është një prej grimerëve më të suksesshëm global. Këtë pozitë, shqiptari Mario Dedivanovic e ka fituar falë punës së madhe, talentit por specifikisht edhe bashkëpunimit me Kim Kardashian.

Për tashmë gati një dekadë, ai është krahu i djathtë i Kim Kardashian, super yllit me të cilën kur nisi bashkëpunimin, shumë gjëra ishin ndryshe.

Historinë unike, për të parën herë e ka treguar vetë Mario përmes një postimi me datën 5 Prill 2008 në fokus atëbotë kur pasi kishte punuar me vite si asistent apo grimer nëpër televizione, kishte nisur të shfaqte talentin e tij në fytyra publike të njohura.

Ka qenë pikërisht ky moment i takimit me Kim Kardashian, nga ku lindi gjithçka ndonëse fillimisht me doza skepticizmi nga shumëkush.

‘E takova Kim dhe fillova të punoj me të shpesh. Idea e yllit nga spektaklet reality ishte e re atëherë. Unë kisha një agjent që më kërkoi të ndaloj së punuari me Kim menjëherë. Ata thanë që kjo do më shkatërronte karrierën dhe karriera ime do përfundonte brenda një viti ose dy. Që gjithë puna dhe përpjekjet e mia do shkonin dëm. Unë refuzova. Vendosa të vazhdoj me Kim sepse e ndjeja në zemrën time që isha në rregull. Shpesh me thonin ‘fat Mario sepse me të, s’do kesh kurrë një kopertinë Vogue’. Rrëshqitni në të majtë për të parë se si doli ky parashikim’ – vazhdon rrëfimin Mario duke bashkangjitur një varg kopertinash me Kim po në revistën prestigjioze.

Një mësim i mirë ky që shpresën s’duhet humbur dhe duhet besosh tek vetja edhe atëherë kur të tjerët s’të besojnë. /Prive.al

This is my calendar from 2008 that I still have. 10 years ago, on April 5th, 2008 I met @kimkardashian on a cover shoot. I almost didn’t take the job because I had to work at Fox that afternoon where I did makeup for the anchors on the weekends for extra $. At this point I had been a makeup artist for 8 years in NYC, honing my craft, building my portfolio and paying my dues. Retail, weddings, editorial, TV, personal clients, assisting. I began working with some singers and actresses around this time & then I met Kim and began to work with her often. The idea of a reality star at the time was new. After all my years paying dues and assisting some of the big fashion and celeb makeup greats, I was being groomed to begin working with A list stars- actresses & recording artists. I had an agent who demanded that I stop working with Kim immediately. They said I would ruin my career and my career would end within a year or 2. That all of my hard work and struggles until then would be for nothing. Was I going to sit and worry about what the elitist industry would think of me and try to fit into their mold? I refused. I chose to stick with Kim because it felt right in my heart. She was hard working, loyal and sweet. She kept me insanely busy. She appreciated me and my artistry and I had too much respect for her. When I parted ways with my agency, one of the last things they said to me was “good luck, Mario because you will never get a Vogue cover working with her.” Swipe left to see how that turned out. Never let anyone dictate the trajectory of your life and career. The past decade with Kim has been incredible. We’ve grown together, set trends, inspired and impacted an industry along the way. Through all her milestones and achievements and through her rise to global superstardom she has taken me along the way and impacted my life greatly, helping me to achieve unparalleled success of my own as a celebrity makeup artist. I am so excited to finally announce that on April 5, 2018 – exactly 10 years to the day we met, our #KKWxMARIO collaboration with @kkwbeauty will launch! Turn on notifications for the very first reveal tomorrow! #KKWxMARIO

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